Consultrade is your partner for creating a sustainable and ESG-oriented future. With our expertise, we can help you shape a long-term value path based on ESG sustainability for your company.
GreenPathPilot è il Software leader nel supporto alle decisioni per la sostenibilità aziendale, indipendentemente dalle dimensioni o dal settore. Attraverso la gestione avanzata di progetti multi-stakeholder, GreenPathPilot offre una serie di funzionalità chiave che aiutano le aziende a raggiungere la sostenibilità desiderata.
The Importance of ESG Sustainability
Corporate sustainability and ESG criteria (Environmental, Social, Governance) represent fundamental pillars in guiding companies towards a responsible and sustainable future. These criteria, divided into the three main areas of Environmental, Social, and Governance, define a complex but essential framework for the growth and reputation of businesses. Let's take a closer look at each of these three points:
Ambiente (Environmental)
- Emissions Management: Measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption, promoting energy efficiency and the use of renewable sources.
- Conservation of Natural Resources: Strategies for the sustainable management of natural resources, including responsible water use and waste reduction.
- Environmental Impact: Monitoring and mitigating the environmental impact of business operations, including waste management and ecosystem protection.
Sociale (Social)
- Responsibility towards Employees: Initiatives to ensure a safe, inclusive work environment that respects human rights, including the promotion of diversity and equality.
- Community Engagement: Positive interaction with local communities, support for social projects, and philanthropy to enhance the lives of people in the areas where the company operates.
- Consumer Safety and Health: Ensuring the safety of products and services provided to customers, including the disclosure of risk information.
- Board Structure: Composition and independence of the board of directors, including the presence of independent directors.
- Corporate Ethics and Integrity: Adoption of a corporate code of ethics, prevention of corruption, and promotion of ethical behavior.
- Transparency and Reporting: The level of transparency in financial communication and the disclosure of corporate information, including the preparation of a Sustainability Report.
The ESG Balance Sheet: Who Is Involved?
Starting from 2024, the Sustainability Report will no longer be a mere optional tool but will become a requirement for a wide range of companies. The European Directive on the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), adopted in 2021, will introduce new regulations that significantly expand the obligation to prepare the ESG Balance Sheet. Currently, the report is mandatory only for large publicly traded companies. However, starting in 2024, this responsibility will extend to all companies with more than 250 employees, a turnover exceeding 50 million euros, and an annual balance sheet of at least 43 million euros. This regulatory change will involve thousands of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) across Europe, which will need to comply with the new provisions and prepare their Sustainability Report.
Nel mondo odierno, l'intelligenza artificiale e la sostenibilità ambientale rappresentano due pilastri fondamentali per le aziende che mirano a un futuro più verde e tecnologicamente avanzato. Il Professor Giuseppe Magro, evidenzia come queste due aree, un tempo considerate distinte, stiano convergendo per creare soluzioni innovative che promuovano una gestione aziendale sostenibile e responsabile. Il ruolo dell'IA nella Sostenibilità Aziendale L'adozione dell'intelligenza artificiale nelle strategie aziendali non solo aumenta l'efficienza e riduce i costi ma gioca un ruolo cruciale nell'analisi e nella gestione dell'impatto[...]
How May We Assist You
- Benefits:
- Clear and comprehensive ESG performance reporting.
- Compliance with regulatory requirements and stakeholder expectations.
- Enhancement of corporate reputation and access to sustainable investors.
Our team of experts offers personalized ESG consulting to assist companies in developing targeted strategies and action plans to improve their ESG performance. We collaborate with you to identify your specific needs and create tailored solutions.
- Enhancement of ESG performance through solutions tailored to the company's needs.
- Identification and mitigation of ESG risks.
- Creation of long-term value for the company and stakeholders.
- Benefits:
- Creation of a clear roadmap for the adoption of corporate sustainability.
- Enhancement of operational efficiency and competitiveness.
- Positive engagement of stakeholders.
- Benefits:
- Reduction of operational costs and environmental impact.
- Compliance with environmental regulations.
- Demonstration of a commitment to sustainability.
We offer ESG training and awareness programs for your team, ensuring that all employees understand the importance of corporate sustainability and are able to contribute to your ESG success.
- Benefits:
- Active employee engagement in corporate sustainability.
- Increase in ESG awareness at all levels of the company.
- Enhancement of overall ESG performance.