The Ethical Code of Consultrade

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In the conduct of its activities, the company is committed to adopting the highest ethical standards.

"This ethical code serves as a guide for all our employees, managers, and external collaborators to promote integrity, social responsibility, and mutual respect. We firmly believe that our success depends on our ability to act ethically and transparently in every aspect of our work."

Guided by Ethics towards a Sustainable Future

Acting with honesty, integrity, and fairness in all our professional activities. Avoiding conflicts of interest and acting in the best interests of our clients. Maintaining the confidentiality and security of sensitive information belonging to our clients and the company itself.

Contribute to the community and act sustainably to protect the environment. Adhere to all applicable laws, regulations, and standards in our industry. Promote ethics in business and adopt responsible business practices.

Promote a gender-equitable work environment where all individuals have equal opportunities for growth and professional development. Actively condemn and combat racism, homophobia, and all forms of discrimination. Ensure that company policies are oriented towards inclusion and respect for diversity.

Commit to conducting business activities in a sustainable manner, minimizing the impact on the environment. Adopt practices and policies to reduce resource consumption, such as water and energy, and promote recycling and proper waste disposal. Raise awareness among employees about the importance of environmental protection.

Provide accurate, clear, and comprehensive information to all our stakeholders. Communicate transparently within the company, promoting the sharing of knowledge and ideas. Inform our clients promptly about any conflicts of interest or circumstances that may affect the quality of our service.

Mantenere un alto livello di competenza professionale, aggiornandoci costantemente sulle nuove tendenze e best practice del settore. Offrire consulenza basata su evidenze e analisi accurate, basate su criteri oggettivi. Rispettare i principi di lealtà e concorrenza leale nel mercato, evitando comportamenti sleali o ingannevoli.