
Promote Sustainable Innovation in SMEs of Southern Italy

The “Sustainable Investments 4.0” initiative aims to support the transition of small and medium-sized enterprises in the less developed regions of Southern Italy towards the economic model of the Transition Plan 4.0. This support is materialized through the facilitation of innovative and sustainable investments, with a strong use of digital technologies. The main objective is to promote environmental protection and technological innovation, in line with European Union standards and the circular economy. The total financial allocation is 400 million euros, with a quota of 25% earmarked for micro and small enterprises. In summary, this initiative promotes sustainable growth and innovation in SMEs in the regions of Southern Italy.

The Incentives

Subsidized financing & Non-repayable grant

The incentives are granted in the form of plant account contributions and subsidized financing. The maximum coverage of eligible expenses is 75% and varies according to the size of the companies:

Micro and small enterprises: Receive 50% of the eligible expenses as a non-repayable grant and 25% as subsidized financing.

Medium-sized enterprises: Receive 40% of the eligible expenses as a non-repayable grant and 35% as subsidized financing.

Eligible Expenses

Expenses functional to the implementation of the program

Purchase of New Tangible and Intangible Fixed Assets - These expenses must be strictly functional to the implementation of the investment programs and fall into the categories of:

  • Machinery, plants, and equipment.
  • Masonry works, with a maximum limit of 40% of the total eligible costs.
  • Software programs and licenses related to the use of the tangible assets mentioned in the first category.
  • Acquisition of environmental certifications.

Consulting Services - The measure also provides financial support for consulting services. These services can be divided into:

  • Advanced consultancy services related to the application of specific enabling technologies (as defined in annex 1 of the ministerial decree of May 15, 2023). These costs are eligible up to 5% of the amount of eligible expenses related to the goods mentioned in the first category.
  • Consultancy services aimed at defining the energy diagnosis, in accordance with the legislative decree of July 4, 2014, no. 102, related to the energy efficiency of the production unit subject to the measures. These costs are eligible up to 3% of the total amount of eligible expenses, but only for the programs defined in article 6, paragraph 2, letter b) of the ministerial decree of May 15, 2023.

Who is it aimed at

Enterprises in Southern Italy

The measure is aimed at Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in the territories of the less developed Regions of Southern Italy (Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Puglia, Sicily, and Sardinia).

How May We Assist You

Fill out the form and contact us today!

We offer a complete and professional consulting service for the entire process of accessing the measure. With experience and expertise, we guide you in the accurate compilation of all the necessary documentation for the application, ensuring compliance with the required criteria and current regulations, respecting the deadlines, up to the precise accounting of eligible expenses, with continuous support to manage any verifications or requests for integration by the authorities.

Don't let administrative complexity become an obstacle.

Contact us today and use our skills and experience to maximize the opportunities offered by "Sustainable Investments 4.0."

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